About the surgery


Read all the latest news and information from the surgery.

Opening times

View our opening times and information about what to do when we are closed.

Surgery staff

Meet the practice team.

Teaching Practice

Vauxhall Practice has committed to teaching and training undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors. We have close links with Cardiff University and teach students acres the whole 5 years of Cardiff school of medicine. All clinicians here at Vauxhall are involved in their training and are proud to be part of their learning.

We could not do any of this without the fantastic support of the patients at Vauxhall. Although we know that teaching raises standards generally and is good for the Surgery, we are constantly amazed by how helpful patients are towards our students and junior doctors and appreciate this greatly. You are helping to create the doctors of the future and they learn so much from you.

There will be students and junior doctors at various levels of training present for much of the year at Vauxhall. We always do our best to notify patients of this and are very happy to ask a student to leave the consultation if patients would rather they are not present.