If you have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with on the day, please submit a Klinik request via the link above between 8am and 4pm and as soon as you are aware that you need help and the Klinik Doctor will triage your request and arrange an appointment for you.
If you telephone the Practice between 4pm and 6:30pm with an urgent matter the receptionist will assist you with completing a Klinik request for triage by the Duty Clinician that afternoon.
All Children under 16 years of age with acute presentations will be offered a same-day consultation if needed. Please submit a Klinik form on your child's behalf for triage by the Klinik Doctor.
If you think you may need a home visit please complete and submit a Klinik form before 12 noon if possible and our Klinik Doctor will triage your request as appropriate. If a home visit request is made after 12 noon it may be triaged and arranged for the next working day.