Patient participation group

The aims of the patient participation group

Are you interested in finding out more about your surgery?

Would you like to influence the development of local health services?

The Practice is setting up a virtual Patient Participation Group with the following aims:-

  • To create and improve two-way communication between patients, the Practice and the community it serves.
  • To bring a sense of partnership between Practice and patients.
  • To provide an avenue for patients input in the way facilities and services are planned and executed.
  • To provide constructive two-way feedback on patient and community needs, concerns and interests.
  • To support the Practice in good health promotions, preventative medicine and health literacy.
  • To collect patient opinions and experiences to help the practice to evaluate its services.
  • To communicate to the practice community and/or the wider community information about the practice 

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.